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Re: [DL] d20 Hucksters, Blessed, MS (do they work in a DnD3 setting?)

On Friday, May 24, 2002, at 10:22  AM, Jeff Yates wrote:
> I was wondering if any of the DLd20 owners out there have tried playing
> a Huckster or Blessed or what have you in a more "normal" DnD3 setting?
> Sure, the DLd20 rules are d20, but do the classes translate well to,
> say, Forgotten Realms as far as balance is concerned?  It might be fun
> to roleplay a Huckster alongside a Paladin ("You claim to be good, but
> get your powers from the depths of hell?").  But it wouldn't work if the
> Deadlands classes, while balanced against each other, are a step or two
> stronger than the base classes from the PHB.  I'm not looking to bring
> firearms to a fantasy setting, just a twist on the character
> interactions -- "Who are you?"  "I'm Father Brown."  "Ah, a cleric, eh?
> Who do you worship?"  "I worship God."  "Yeah, you all worship a god, I
> was wondering which one."  "There is only one God."  "Huh?"

I've thought about it... But I don't think i could convince my Gm to go 
for me playing any DL type class in our Kingdoms of Kalamar game. I may 
have to try it now. Our party sourcer might feel better if she just has 
to deal with very few hit point s and spells for day if I'm playing a 
huckster that keeps blowing his brains out with his spells.

> OK, so I thought it was fun to run a cleric that worshipped water once
> too (his holy symbol was a bucket, he wore it on his head a lot, and he
> kept telling people that man was created by water to carry it uphill --
> it was an MOD I saw during college).  At least I refuse to play Kender!

I consider myself in my second 'era' of gaming. I now play two general 
categories of characters:

1. The party player: need a cleric? I'll do it! No magic support? I'm 
here! Good for variety and flexing the mental muscles.
2. The oddball: Things that shouldn't exist. i currently play a Dwarven 
Paladin, but I'm slightly overshadowed by our group's half-orc paladin. 
If he gets whacked, we'll replace him with some sort of druid, likely 
non-dwarven, but aimed to fulfill category 1 by making him skilled as a 
sailor because our party is constantly sailing around on a ship we 

And a good kender player is very fun to watch! (I'm not... my sense of 
caution and dry humor is too ingrained and difficult to break out of.)


MAN? (Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett)