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[DL] for Markus :)
I agree with everyone else: Get out of that group. I had to get out of a few groups as well because our expectations for the game weren't the same - but we're still friends. And some people I only knew through the game weren't friends, so I didn't really bother. Especially the sexual thing is ... disturbing to say the least. Sounds like your GM is right in the middle of puberty and a wreck of raging hormons. The other two players don't sound very mature neither. I mean, if they have fun it's fine by me, but it shouldn't be at the expense of another gamer. How old are the people you game with? Are you younger or older? That might explain the way they game. Markus
All of that group is 25 or older. In fact the gm is getting married soon, "thor" is setting up the batchelor party. Real upset I didn't get my invite. :)
Anyway, I would like to thank you all for your answers. I wondered if I had overreacted, which I have heard from other people around here.
Oh yeah, to the person that was asking about how you get some Marshall's get ready for session? I have any npc stats I need, have a vague outline of what I would like for the party to find out (most of the gamers here are ... shall we say original and need to be guided from time to time) and I always keep the thought that sometimes it's better to let the party go and do what they want. Heck, we all do this to have fun, don't we?
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