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[DL] Something people may like (OT)

I just grabbed this off of the Sci-Fi wire at http://www.scifi.com

Updated 1:02pm ET on 24-April-2002

9:00am ET, 23-April-02

 Reedus Readies Zombie Western

Actor Norman Reedus, who played Scud in Blade II, told SCI FI Wire that his
work on that vampire-hunter sequel would lead directly to his next genre
effort. "I started a production company and wrote a script in Spain with a
great up-and-coming director," Reedus said in an interview, referring to
Blade II assistant director and storyboard artist David Barto. "He's really
popular over in Spain."

Reedus added, "He and I wrote the script, and we're going to make the movie
at the end of the year. It's a western with zombies. It's like you get two
kids together, have a pint of Guinness and say, 'What's the ultimate movie
you want to write and make?' And we came up with a zombie western! I like
horror. I like suspense. The zombies in this movie aren't so much 'Arghh.'
It's not that type of thing. It's about going underground in an imaginary
city that you find out is not imaginary. There's a sense of claustrophobia.
It's a little different. We've got some of the guys who did some of the
bullet stuff in The Matrix working on our zombies. One of them had worked on
Blade II. So this zombie western is basically a lot of our friends who just
want to make a movie. Hopefully, Mickey Rourke will be in it. I've been
trying to wine and dine him to do this part he'd be so great for. Kris
Kristofferson and Ron Perlman will be in it, and maybe Leonor Varela. We're
basically stealing from [Blade II director] Guillermo del Toro in trying to
make this movie. We're going to shoot it in an abandoned hospital in
Barcelona and then down where Sergio Leone did his spaghetti westerns."