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Re: [DL] Gommorra (was deadlands digest)
Personally, I'd suggest you pick up the following sourcebooks in addition to
Doomtown or Bust!: The Agency, The Collegium, & The Black Circle. All 3
feature Gomorra in some way, shape, or form, & update a lot of info since
the.... uh... tainted whiskey (you Marshalls know what I'm talking about).
These sourcebooks could help you to move the town away from the card game
storyline & fit it to your tastes. Besides, The Black Circle gets things in
motion for Shane's next big shebang in the Weird West... mwa-ha-ha....
>In my experience, the Gommorra campaign was a failure, basically attributed
>to one thing. Too many cool NPCs, makes the players feel overshadowed.
>Also the town functions too much as an interrelation of existing parties,
>addition of new parties changes things significantly unless they attach
>themselves to the existing outfits, and then they end up doing what the
>outfit wants to do, rather than what they want to do. Overall I found the
>town was a little too scripted for my posse
>In a message dated 4/23/02 12:00:30 AM, owner-deadlands@gamerz.net writes:
> >
> >I just joined this DL list, I'm more of a HOE player
> >but I was wondering if anyone used the Doomtown
> >sourcebook to run a campaign. If so, how was it and
> >is there any cool things you came up with to add to
> >the sick town's little story?
> >
> >I love Doomtown. Sorry if this made no sense, I've
> >been up too long and have a final in a few hours so
> >I'm not thinking straight.
> >
> >
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