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Re: [DL] Shipping question [Shane]

In a message dated 4/23/2002 1:59:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time, reginald_q_bumbershoot@hotmail.com writes:

Hey, Shane. I have a quick question about Lone Stars that I was hoping you
might be able to answer. About how long do you think it'll take Lone Stars
to arrive in stores via Diamond Distribution? I ask because the store I go
to ordered my copy through Diamond, though as of late, their Diamond
represenative has been claiming problems with you guys shipping to (through)
them. (Though I wouldn't be surprised if this was all Diamond's screw-up;
they've screwed up so many orders for my local comic/ game store I'm
surprised they're still in business.)

Just curious about that; can't wait for Lost Colony!

It is Diamond, of course, and I have no idea how long it takes. We shipped to everyone who had their orders in 8 days ago, and it's in all regular stores already.
