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Re: [DL] Listserv questions
--- Eric Avedissian <eric@pro-usa.net> wrote:
> I've been on the listserv for quite a while and have
> enjoyed the
> comments posted here. Pinnacle fans are the best in
> the industry for
> their dedication to the game and their online
> civility. Amusingly, there
> are quite a few questions that pop up time and
> again.
> The most popular questions on the Deadlands listserv
> (drumroll...)
> 1. If Deadlands were a movie, who would you want to
> star in it?
> 2. What kinds of music do you play during your
> gaming sesion?
> 3. What movies/TV westerns inspire you?
> 4. What are the stats for Stone?
> 5. When is Great Weird North coming out?
> 6. Does this take place in the Deadlands universe?
> 7. Why is Pinnacle switching to D20 for Deadlands?
> That's all I can think of for now!
AHHHHH ... the topic has risen from the dead ... kill
it .. kill it now ...
-Munch "I hate harrowed topics" Wolf
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