here's a gang o' four ferners with their own lil' website dedicated
to HoE - for the moment, although a Deadlands equivalent is soon to follow -
and it's launched yet .
On the 'Hell on Earth Gamer's Posse Trier' Homepage you'll find a bunch of
rules of our own design [Syker Powers, Tables, Junker Devices, etc.], a
forum for some in-depth discussion related to Deadlands.
Some pics and other stuff for you to download and the odd bit of information
about our very own HoE campaign which we've been running for close to two
years now.
Building this site has been a labor of love of sorts for the last couple of
weeks for us and we're very much hoping for your participation and feedback
on this thing. So if you got a minute to spare, come over for a visit over
The site is finished - basically - but not yet complete. So keep your eyes
open for regular updates.
'Nuff said for now - although we should perhaps add that this site is in no
way designed to be used commercially or for any purpose other than having a
little fun with and based around the game we all play... a lot...
So long,
HoE Gamer's Posse Trier