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Re: [DL] Kewlest death quote...
Not exactly a death quote, but I just couldn't resist this one...
I was running a Demo at my local store, using The Last Stop. The posse's
Huckster decided to cast a Soul Blast on the Dessicated Dead (like this
would have done any good) during their attack on the train. Well, when he
drew his hand, he managed to draw 2 aces, and both jokers, then named them
aces. When I rolled on the backlash table, I got a natural 20. Everything
was within the blast radius of the hex, so I had to roll for the wind loss
of every member of the posse. Every one of the 9D10 came up all 10s.... I
think you can see where this went from here. Even after spending all their
chips, the entire posse was taken out by the hex... In 20+ years of gaming,
I had never seen anything go against the players so spectacularly!