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Re: [DL] Mad Scientists' Inspiration *spoilers*
> > > > s
> > > > p
> > > > o
> > > > i
> > > > l
> > > > e
> > > > r
> > > > .
> > > > .
> > > > .
> > > > .
>Does the manitou limit what the MS can invent? (It doesn't seem so, since
there's a device to >make intangible creatures solid, the Ectoplasmic
Calcifier, which would seem to be a tool >against ghostly abominations.)
One thing that's worth noting is that Manitou's do have some level of
control over what is created. As I understand it they will only help in
certain projects. In the Junkman Cometh (HOE) it states that no MS ever
created a device that could heal people. That's why some Junkers feel that
Junker magic is superior. On the other hand they are happy to help with the
steam engine that will allow you to transport troops or a new type of gun or
armour. They can't leap strait to very advanced technology like G-Bombs
though... they need to lead up to it. Besides, what's the point in some wild
eyed old man in the middle of the Nevada desert in 1890 creating the grock
bomb when he can only send it 10 miles? The point was to terraform the
I also believe that the manitou is inspiring the whatever will do the most
damage at the time. If that means the engine then fine. If that means the
whole steamwagon then cool.
For a detailed history of technology see the Junkman Cometh.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Munch Wolf" <munchwolf@yahoo.com>
To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: [DL] Mad Scientists' Inspiration *spoilers*
> --- Grand Master Nilus of the Dark Angel Chapter
> <grandmasternilus@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > > s
> > > > p
> > > > o
> > > > i
> > > > l
> > > > e
> > > > r
> > > > .
> > > > .
> > > > .
> > > > .
> > >It seems to me that this suggests that a Manitou
> > drops a bucket of
> > >Inspiration (for lack of a better phrase) on a MS,
> > hoping that, THIS time,
> > >he'll invent the G-bomb (or something leading to
> > it).
> > >
> > >Does this sound reasonable? I must admit, I like
> > this idea far better than
> > >simply having the Manitou tell the MS what to
> > build. It has the added
> > >attraction of the MS dooming humanity out of his
> > own ingenuity.
> > >
> > I kinda see it like this
> >
> > The Problem is since the Manitou can't understand
> > Technoloy(They are the
> > wrong kind of spirits), they just send inspiration
> > at random back through
> > history. Thats why Mad Scientist invent all sorts
> > of things. Also since
> > the Manitou just sends this raw data back, your
> > average 19th century
> > scientist isn't going to understand most of it, So
> > he might just understand
> > a small portion of the what he saw and end up using
> > that insite to make
> > something completely different.
> I agree, Manitous don't understand technology, so they
> don't know that it's the G-bomb they're looking for.
> They were looking for something that had it's
> potential, and when it was discovered, they didn't
> need to look anymore.
> Course, I always imagined manitous had a more active
> role in making the items function (similar to
> 'magic').
> -MW
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