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RE: [DL] question on "Pact" and favored medicine

> I checked the AR before sending this ... nothing.
> The shaman favor Pact belongs to the Blessing medicine way and allows
> any other favor to be tied to an object for later use, by spending
> twice the appeasement cost.
> Suppose the other favor normally requires N appeasement, but is from
> a shaman's favored medicine way and not the Blessing way.  How many
> appeasement to create the Pact?  1.5 * N?  N?  2 * N???

I would say 

If neither of the 2 favors (it is so hard to write that without the u!)
were from a shamans favored way then the points cost would be 2*N.

If one of the favors came from the shamans favored way the it would be

If both favors came from the shamans favored way then it would just be



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