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Re: [DL] DeadLands d20 ... love it? hate it?
We voted unanimously to stick with original Deadlands, but I have no
problem with anyone's preference, the more Deadlands players, the
I prefer the original mechanics but the D20 conversion is what I'm
currently running. Why? Because my gaming group has been playing
D&D and Star Wars and decided to stick to D20 games for a while so
people don't have to learn a new system. It's not bad, it just
doesn't have the "flavor" of the original game but it's bound
to draw in a bigger audience and that's always a good thing.
As the group I am in plays 3E and a 40K
home brew using D20 mechanics, the players wanted a different set of
rules so that everything doesn't blend into one big stew. And with D20
Cthulhu out later this week, I am really in a quandary.
I always find myself instinctively arrayed on the side of
the barbarian, against the powers of organized
-- Robert Ervin Howard