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Re: [DL]

 > The main thing is I don't steal things outright. For example, 
> when I use 
> the BTiLC ideas (for an upcoming visit to Shan Fan) I'll try 
> and write 
> bits to grab the general mood (a non-asian hero (or group of 
> heroes, in 
> this case) that become embroiled in a confused, ancient 
> dispute) without 
> involving a crazy immortal chinese sorcerer, or three nasty 
> Enlightened 
> Martial Artists named after weather phenomena.

Heh, I ripped off BtiLC as well.  My group sent their martial artist
(who has no social skills at all) into Chinatown to get some
information.  Getting nowhere even after he resorts to violence the
martial artist leaves grumpily (they had nothing to tell).  Meanwhile
the rest of the group while walking down the street - see what seems to
be lightning crackle in a side alley and a chinese gentleman with a
wide brimmed basket hat walks out.  He had a quiet word about them
keeping their martial artist on a shorter leash and then walked on.  It
was the first time I've seen my group be respectful towards an NPC
without testing his combat capabilities first.  It's amazing what some
special effects and a picture printed off the internet can do ;-)



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