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[DL] Anticlimax (Was:Too easy!)

--- Jason Young <jason_d_young@yahoo.com> wrote:
> There's nothing more deflating than rolling a 23 on
> your 2d6 shootin' only
> to see it go for naught as the Marshal tosses one
> measly chip back into
> the hat.

By the same token...

Typical advice notwithstanding, I've found that an
anticlimax can be just as effective as a massive
shootout, at least in Deadlands.

The posse has often already been through massive
fighting, they're bloody, bruised, and sore. They have
some chips left, sure, but so does the Marshal (I also
carry them from adventure to adventure), and they're
probably ready to win by the end of the game.

With that reasoning, I will occassionally refuse to
spend chips to finish the adventure 'the way I wanted
it to', provided there's some tension building up to
the anticlimax. I'll refrain from using game examples
(thought you can read them on my website, if you like)
and provide the best cinematic example I can: 

Indiana Jones goes through a massive fistfight, is
confronted with the biggest, toughest villain in the
group - and shoots him dead with no trouble. Great
scene, everyone laughs, the game continues.

Used properly, this kind of buildup and release can be
really effective - and it also makes your players
really, really pumped. Watching their faces when you
tell them they hit the major black hat right between
the eyes in the first round of combat is something to
treasure - and something that keeps them coming back.

- Ivan

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