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Re: [DL] WH40K Reckoners - (Potential for Spoilers)

>  Spoiler space!
> Tzeentch is the hard one. Death, perhaps, as death
> is, after all, a form
> of change.
> Nurgle maps pretty well to pestilence
> Slaanesh gets stuck with Famine. Not a great
> match, but it kinda sorta
> works, if you don't look too closely.
> Khorne maps well to War.

I was thinking more along the lines of combining
Pestilence with Famine to get Nurgle (I see them as
associated factors rather than mutually exclusive)
then throwing Slaanesh in as a whole new factor. Death
takes a leave of absence as being excessive to current
needs. All things lead to death, there doesn't need to
be an actual figurehead for it. 

Lost Angeles would make a fairely decent home to a
Nugle cult. We have all the prerequisits as well as
that island out in the bay that would really make a
good pit of nasty. 

Tzeentch I'd have as the prime motivator behind the
Mad Scientists. Ghost rock's power comes from being
burnt and we all know who has the thing for fire. Mad
Scientists are big on change. They want to stage a
technological revolution, as it were, with each new
invention. Such ambition could be used for other

The emotional drives that have been mentioned (apathy,
rage, ambition, etc) would replace fear as such. Fear
can be the generic form of sustanance for the lads,
but the real feeding comes from their own select
emotion, as it were. So in general they'll be
fostering fear but when able they'll be focusing on
their own speciality.   

Sure, the four lads are a little overt in general but
in DL they just don't have the power to do anything
all that obvious. Using WH40K was a poor example, WH
Fantasy Battle would perhaps have worked better. 

Hmmmm, ghost rock hoarding Skaven underneath New

One thing to remember is that in DL the Reckoners
haven't taken form as of yet. In HoE they manifest as
the Four Horsemen. 

As a side note, just as well the Reckoners didn't
manifest near a settlement of Scientologists. "...and
then Tom Cruise rode in on a pale horse."

Still, we've had CoC in DL so a little Warhammer could
be snuck in when no-one is paying attention.


When we jumped into Sicily, the units became separated, and I couldn't find anyone. Eventually, I stumbled across two colonels, a major, three captains, two lieutenants, and one rifleman, and we secured the bridge. Never in the history of war have so few been led by so many. -General James Gavin

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