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Re: [DL] Hope Mongers

> The main hing here is that to make that sort of 
relic reliably, the hero
> would already have to be pretty amazing.

True, which is why i suggested a whole posse who 
quietly follows the "Hero" around, secretly useing 
hexes and such to make the already amazing hero look 
even better.

> I think this would hurt the image of the Agency and 
other forces. 

Exactly, the agency and the rangers use intimidation 
to cover things up and by doing so become objects of 
fear themselves.

> First,> they don't want people to even know about 
abominations...  Second, the
> agency is, from an out-of-game context (the players 
know what's really> happening, even if their 
characters don't!) a great GM tool because of
> it's fundamentally flawed nature. They don't 
understand the game concept of fear levels, they just 
know that slavering monsters from beyond are a
> bad, bad thing.
I'm sorry if I din't make that part clear, I was in 
no way suggesting that the agency would be behind 
such a plan. I had thought of a charater concept of a 
early day pinkerton agent getting a clue what was 
going on for real, who decided that the whole concept 
of the Agency was a bed ideal. So when the Agency was 
being formed, he took the option to stay with the 
pinkerton detective agency and then quietly retired 
to start up the whole liveing legend progect. Sort of 
a metaphysical Mad scienctist.

And if you think keeping the charaters ignorant of 
whats really going on is a good ideal, I'd agree. 
This was just a concept I'd thought I'd throw out 
thier in case someone wanted to grab it up and run 
with it. 