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Re: [DL] Comments and Advice for a LS player? (AB spoilers)

--- Brumy8@aol.com wrote:
> This is probably going to give me away as to being new to Deadlands
> (which I shamelessly admit), but how is a Hexslinger different from a
> Huckster? In H&H, the words were interchangeable and I didn't really
> look that closely at the Hexslinger stuff in Law Dogs...  as far as I
> could tell, a Hexslinger is not that different from a Huckster with the
> focus hindrance. Also, anyone know where I can get the statics for the
> .58 Springfield Rife? Would they be in the core rulebook?

Didn't see if I could find the rifle, but the difference (at least as I
run things) is that Hucksters get their hexes from Hoyle's Book o' Games,
while Hexslingers get their hexes from other Hexslingers. While it is the
same AB, the Hexslingers shouldn't often take a high Academia: occult, so
would have a harder time working with Hoyle's.

This difference may seem . . . academic, but it's important in my game. I
encourage players to design according to a concept, and most hexslingers
are going to be converted gunfighters so they won't be academic and
curious and so on. So, in the end, you're right, all it really means is
that you probably won't see a hexslinger with Soul Blast. (Unless, that
is, he had learned it from a Huckster directly.)

It will be interesting to see what Mr. McGlothlin has in store for us in
Lone Stars. . . .



Dvorak rules!

Game links? Yeah, I've got game links.

Diplomacy: http://www.diplom.org/
Top Secret: http://topsecretrpg.hypermart.net/
PBW RPG's: http://www.rondaksportal.com/

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