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[DL] Comments and Advice for a LS player? (SPOLIER)
*~Warning~* SPOLIER *~Warning~*
Hey all. After conversing with a clerk at the friendly neighborhood hobbyshop to get his opinion of which AB would be better suited to the Rangers, he narrowed it down to two: Either the huckster or the blessed. I will quote his reasons:
" I'd be a Blessed because you have God and Texas on your side, or a Huckster because no one beats the pride of Texas."
I kinda figured, too, that having AB: Mad Science and medicine: surgery was just asking for trouble. Perhaps, eventually, a Metal Mage will be in order but not at the moment. Now, I have to decided whether or not to give into an AB that has a lot of offensive magic (Hucksters) or be more levelheaded and almost a pacifist (Blessed). Any advice or hints from players of either AB?
P.S. -
Is anyone clear on whether or not Agency equipment (mainly wrist-spring derringers, sleeve daggers, and the "It-Won't-Hurt-Quite-As-Bad" vest) can be used by others? If I choose a Huckster Ranger, those wold be nice to see that the keeps his hide intact.