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RE: [DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20020228

Hey, kids. I hope I'm doing this right and this post goes on the list.
Anyway, I'm a new Marshall, the name's Shael. I just switched from Deadlands
D20 (please no death threats) to original deadlands. During character
creation one of my players drew the red joker and her concept was an orphan
who insists she'd been raised by wolves before she was adopted. So, I
thought an apropriate mysterious past would be lycanthropy. I came up with
the following, which functions, for all intensive purpouses, as a nack.

Lycanthropy (werewolf):
White chip: transform into a regular wolf. 'May only use this ability when
being attacked physically OR when no one's lookin'.
-I added that last part because part of her concept is that no one believes
the far-fetched but true stories she tells.
Blue chip: as above or Grow lupine claws and teeth. Claws function as per
the harrowed power level 1. 'May only use this ability when being attacked
physically OR when no one's lookin'.
Red chip: any ability above or Transform into a full-fledged werewolf as
seen in the Marshal's Handbook. 'May only use this ability when being
attacked physically OR when no one's lookin'
Legend chip: any ability above or summon 3d6 of your lupine kin. Use this
ability only when wolves could reasonably be in the area. Furthermore, if a
legend chip is used to activate any previous ability it may be used in spite
of who's watching.

Eep! If you don't mind me saying so, after all you did ask, this seems a tad
broken if ya ask me. Lots of powers and special abilities with few costs is
a dead giveaway that something's amiss. So far as I can tell there really
aren't any consequences for being infected with a horrid curse besides the
full moon transformation thing. If she's dead-set on being a werewolf, my
suggestion is to check out Rascals, Varmints, and Critters II. Mr. Goff (Yo
Johnny boy!) provided an excellent treatment of lycanthropy Weird West style
in that there tome.

What I'd do is suggest an alternative path for the character, requiring her
to take some shamanic gifts that would allow her to duplicate certain
abilities of the wolf and definitely check out the Guardian Spirit (Wolf)
edge. You'll probably find that a werewolf character can easily outpace
other arcane backgrounds when it comes to effectiveness and survivability;
you risk alienating your other players by allowing a lycanthrope in your
posse. Just my opinion but I'd be surprised if you don't receive similar
responses on this list.

Welcome to the real Weird West compadre, come sit a spell (or hex, miracle,
favor, whatever!)

Happi Trails amigo,

>>Joseph C. Wolf

Joseph C. Wolf
Line Developer, Dark Heaven Legends d20
Reaper Miniatures Inc.