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Re: [DL] Time for an official ruling

Yep it is a change in the rules as a result of the revised edition;
from the accumulated rulings... 

'Weapon Speed (118): The biggest change to combat is that we got rid of
weapon speeds. We originally did this so that there was a difference
between single- and double-action pistols. It's a very slight
difference in the real world, and hard to model in a game. We started
with the most realistic but it made single-actions, rifles, and
shotguns slow and a pain to remember the "shootin' from the hip"
modifier. So we ditched all that and did this instead: double-actions
get to fire twice each action while single-actions fire once (but can
fan). Rifles and shotguns can fire once per action.'

The above is found at

Also for the record - I do presently have a character in mt game which
has both the Two Fisted and Two Gun edges and carries two gattling
guns.  He's only been played in one adventure so far and is already
wanted for two accounts of attempted murder in the City O'Gloom (he
even had to chip one of the innocent bystanders so that it wouldn't
become a murder charge :)  )



--- Nils Anker Oldefar <he1021@non.tietgen.dk> wrote: > There's seems
to be a lot of confusion going on about the number of
> bullets
> a player can spray into the air per action. If a character has the
> edges
> two-gun kid and two-fisted can he fire both guns twice an action
> (provided
> they're double action; or he can use single action and quick-cock
> them)? In
> the Hell On Earth core rule book it states that you can double tap a
> semi
> automatic pistol for two shots an action, but my point is that
> revolvers are
> too slow mechnically for it to be possible. Maybe we could get an
> official
> ruling on the matter. I know there's no way in hell I would ever
> allow
> something like that to happen in any of my campains. (The effect of
> this is
> that a player with only three actions can empty both his guns aiming
> fairly
> good in one round (five seconds)) No matter if you use this (in my
> opinion)
> ridiculous ruling against the players, it just means that anybody
> who's not
> lawyering the rules to be a shootist would get more riddled with
> holes than
> a swiss cheese. 
> If your player has the book and you don't, Munchwolf, tell him to
> hand it
> over and read it thoroughly. If this is the revised edition rules
> fault,
> then I'm glad I still have my 1997 copy to play by.
> Marshal "Trust your players not to cheat as you would trust
> yourself..."
> Oldefar
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