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Re: [DL] Experience in DL and D20 comment

--- At 02:37 PM 2/19/2002 -0500, I wrote:
>  >Well, I like both Deadlands rule sets, but as a D&D player from
> waaay
>  >back (15 years or so), I also like the fact that D20 settings are
>  >designed to be interchangeable.  So if you want to play a Gnome
>  >Fringer-Mad Scientist-Artificer (three classes from three different
>  >settings, each with considerable mechanical skill - from Star Wars,
>  >Deadlands, and Forgotten Realms), you can.
--- Allan Seyberth <darious@darious.com> wrote:
> Fair warning - you could say the same thing about GURPS, but when you
> play multiverse, not all things are created equal.

Sorry, I may have been unclear with my statement.  What I meant is that
D20 settings are designed to be balanced in comparison to each other. 
An n-th level fighter-type from Star Wars is evenly matched by a
Deadlands fighter-type of the same level and by a D&D fighter-type of
the same level, as are each of the iconic character classes for each
setting (to each other, that is - each class has its own
advantages/disadvantages within its own system).  The differences
aren't so great as to give one setting an advantage over any other.  I
don't advocate using unchanged rule sets like Rifts/GURPS with D20, as
that _will_ cause an imbalance.  But within D20 settings, things are
pretty much even.  Hope this makes things a little clearer.

Bruce White

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