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[DL] Session Style

I like to mix in mundane adventures with horror ones. That way the group 
stays on their toes as to what's next. However, when I run the mundane 
sessions I'll play on the characters' backgrounds and hindrances. One 
session while travelling between various mines and questioning the owners I 
had taken control of the harrowed in the group. After the party would leave, 
the harrowed would sneak back and fillet the owners leaving their cabin a 
nice messing scene. Then when the party came back an hour or so later they 
didn't know what to think. They spent two days trying to track down this 
killer. It got to a point that when it got dark the posse would run back to 
town just so they wouldn't be alone in the woods at night. They also helped 
me out by splitting up to search for the killer. They were snipered by 
unseen attackers now and then. They spent their chips that night and it just 
cost me a few now and then for control, it was a good ratio.
None of my players have really clued in that their backgrounds are 
generating these adventures. I think they thought I forgot about their 
hindrances and backgrounds.

I'd like to thank all who helped me out with the GSoD hindrance. The players 
didn't take to it when I started using it in game.

The next adventure I'm running is Independence Day. The group is rather 
large so I'll have some sidetrack issues with their pasts. Anyone who's run 
it tell me how it went and some things I should watch out for? Thanks.

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