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Re: [DL] Experience in DL and D20 comment

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jayg" <jayg@penn.com>
To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [DL] Experience in DL and D20 comment

> > As for D20 snubbing mentioned in another topic.  I have to agree with
> > the rest.  Where not blowing you off or snubbing you.  We just don't
> > know the answer since most of us are PEG House Rules Deadlanders.  Its
> > not that most of us hate it(3rd Edition is Great and some of the other
> > companies have made great D20 books for there games(Fading Suns, L5R),
> > but I think that certain game systems are written to really work with a
> > setting, Deadlands just isn't the same without Cards and Poker Chips. It
> > really helps people get into character
> I have to agree with Dan (even though he is a Stinking Dark Angel) on
> the above.  I don't know the DLd20 rules at all, it isn't that I hate
> d20, it is just that I feel that the DL Classic rules fit the game the
> d20 works for PEG's d20 only game Weird Wars, which I play and enjoy
> very much.
> --
> Jay
> aka  Wolf Guard Ingvar Icehowl of the 7th Great Company

Careful, Jay.  We of the Emperor's First Legion may just have to make you
eat those words with your puppy chow

As for D20, Well, I have the DL d20 version rather than the original
version.  But the reason that I got it was because in all honesty, I'd
rather learn a new addon to a system that I already knew than learn yet
another entirely new game system (I already have something like 20 systems
that I play...)  But for me, the fact is that I got DL for the setting.  To
me, the system doesn't matter that much as long as the setting is good.

Chris Beilby
AKA Lord Solomon, Chapter Grandmaster of the Nightmare Angels, sons of
Lion'El, and brethern to the Dark Angels.