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RE: [DL] Allright thats it....

Title: RE: [DL] Allright thats it....

I don't believe that there is a Deadlands D20 specific list.  And like you mention, the folks on this list are generally a nice (if twisted) lot.  That being the case, I don't think you're being snubbed so much as there just isn't someone that can answer you.  Most of the list's members are Classic Deadlands users, and just don't have the depth of knowledge on the D20 variant that they do on the classic system.

If you are feeling snubbed/not getting any responses, I can only say it's because no one actually has an answer and rather than consuming bandwidth with "I dunno", everyone remains silent hoping the next guy has an answer.

While a separate list might have it's advantages, I don't think it would on the whole be beneficial.  Answers to questions about how to shoot some cowpoke in the eye vary depending on the rules used, but _why_ you would want to shoot that particular cowpoke in _only_ his eye (i.e. setting info) are rules independent, and this is the best place to get that kinda stuff.

But look on the bright side:  Soon you'll be the grizzled veteran of Deadlands D20 and all the list newbies will be looking to you for answers about the system (as long as Los Diablos don't get you first...).

Jeff Y.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
> Behalf Of Kevin L Stoner
> Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 12:13 PM
> To: deadlands@gamerz.net
> Subject: [DL] Allright thats it....
> Has anyone decided to start a list for D20 deadlands? I have been on
> this list for some time and most of you guys seem pretty nice but you
> do a decent job of snubbing any d20 question I have until I
> harass you
> about it. Surely someone out there besides me doesnt hate the system
> and maybe we should start a list so that we can get answers from one
> another? I would appreciate the thoughts of any who think
> this is good
> or bad, or even indifferent but at least a response.
> Marshall Kevin "I refuse to hate something just cause its popular to
> hate it" Stoner
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