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Re: [DL][GRW] Dogs o'War: All's Fair

>Elsewhere on the Listserv, Shane indicated plans for a Dodge City
>sourcebook were scrapped. I think the updates about Dodge City, the
>Cackler and Church of Lost Angels will appear in the Epitaph instead.

Must have missed that one. Mailbox got full while I was doing life stuff and 
I was unsubbed.

> >Looks like the Rail Wars are "almost" over. Any bets on who wins?
>I think it's always the guy you'd least expect. Hellstromme probably
>wins. I think he'll end up buying out Smith & Robards and take over the
>Denver Pacific RR. This would provide continuity to the HOE storyline:
>Hellstromme's corporation is mega wealthy, and the contract by the U.S.
>government ensures profits for decades to come...

Well...thus far, it doesn't look like he's going to buy out S&R (see DoW to 
see what I mean). The contract idea is a good one, though. I hadn't thought 
of that.

--Jacques (Chris' friend)

"Will a broken skeleton key open a broken door?"

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