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Re: [DL] adventure conversions to D20

In a message dated 12/19/2001 10:42:20 AM Eastern Standard Time, cgriffy@vallnet.com writes:

I'm about to start running a new campaign and, against my better judgment,
I'm going to run it in Deadlands D20 since my party wants to stick with one
system.  If anyone has converted the adventures over to D20, could you give
me an idea of the general player levels (in D20 terms) you found them
appropriate for.  I'm especially interested in "Trouble A Brewin'",
"Skinners", "Bloody Ol' Muddy", "Night Train", and "Canyon O' Doom".  I'll
get a better idea once I start converting them but I was hoping someone else
had already done so and could give me an idea of where to start with 1st
level characters.

Well. . .it may interest you to know the following. . .

I have a team of people (headed by Mark Metzner) working on a conversion book for all our Deadlands books. It's basically one to three books featuring conversions for all previously published Deadlands products.

We haven't announced it yet because we don't know how many books it will take, nor when they'll be released. Probably mid-summer. I'll let you know when we know. If you can wait, it might be worthwhile to just do one or two of your own conversions and then let us do the rest for you.
