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Re: [DL] Pagans (history & Stonehedge) [OT]
--- Nick Zachariasen <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu> wrote:
> For the record, it's Stonehenge. However, a
> Stonehedge might be
> interesting, though it would take one Hell of a
> sculptor.
I got my spelling from This Is Spinal Tap. But I have
seen it spelled both ways on other things.
--- Eric Avedissian <eric@pro-usa.net> wrote:
> I, also am writing an AB for Druids. I've researched
> Druidic history. They were essentially Celtic
> priests who also functioned as teachers.
> While many were wiped out with the coming of
> Christianity, their stories
> were preserved in bardic poems through the
> centuries. In the late 1700s,
> the Ancient Order of Druids was founded in London by
> Henry Hurle. Drudic
> tales and poems became popular in the early 19th
> century.
There is also the possibility the Druids were invented
by Sir Francis Moore as a practical joke.
A favorite argument of the skeptics.
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