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Re: [DL] dime novels
At 06:11 PM 12/07/01 +0000, Roy Spence wrote:
>I came across this site quite by accident and noticed that it allows
>you to
>read some of the texts from real dime novels.
It's a very, very cool site. We went there when we were building the
page design for our own Dime Novels*. In the end, we decided to go with
something a bit simpler, but we agonized for quite a while. :-)
* Speaking of which, GURPS Deadlands Dime Novel 2 is shipping to
distributors next week, so it should be in stores before Christmas.
It's 32 pages, $8.95, and is written by just about my best friend in
the world, so you'd be doing me a huge favor if you bought it and said
nice things about it here (and everywhere else). I'm really VERY proud
of it, and of him. End of plug.
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