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[DL] Deadlands Fiction Contest

I'm bored and feeling Christmas-y.  I'm also in a good mood.  Those
previous items may or may not have anything to do with this

I haven't seen enough Deadlands fiction lately.  I like to read stories
set in Deadlands.  I don't remember having read any good Deadlands fan
fiction since B. D. Flory's screenplays lo many years ago.  Therefore,
I'm having a contest.

Write up a short story, novella, screen play, whatever, I don't care,
and send it to the list.  Set it in the Weird West.  Make it funny,
scary, exciting, whatever.  I'll judge them, perhaps with commentary
from the OT list (but it's still my decision in the end), and the winner
will get one free book/item from PEG (no more than $25) paid for by me
and shipped straight to you.

You have until midnight, December 31st.

If this goes well I might also do it for Hell on Earth, Weird Wars,
etc., but I figured let's start with the basics.  So entertain me!  Keep
me busy while at work!  Give me something to look forward to when I get
home from working out!  Dance, rummy, Dance!


PS - Everybody is eligible, I guess.  I can't imagine the PEG guys
entering but if they do that just raises the bar that much more. :)

The Internet is an amazing invention that allows people around
the world to gather and be stupid together.
 - Andy Green