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Re: [DL] Deadlands Console Game (Shane, PEG, OT)

 >There were bugs, but this sort of talk is making me sad.
 >"I...I...loved those games, man..."

Oh - don't get me wrong - Fallout is a most excellent game.  The only 
problem is that the team did not do enough quality testing.  I suspect that 
Fallout II was buggier because the team decided  that A) They decided that 
since they were reusing their engine they didn't have to do as much testing 
and B) They wanted to do some changes to the engine . . .
Anyway, they finally ironed everything out and it all came together with 
Planescape: Torment, which is, in my opinion, the most involved computer 
game that I have ever played and the closest to a real computer RPG I have 

Anyway - we can't assume too much about the DL game from these shots.  They 
don't look like they are from gameplay.
One of the articles made reference to concept pieces and I suspect that 
these shots are them.  Or they are from animation pieces.
Or they are copying Dreamcatcher's Necronomicon: Gateway to Beyond style
Or they are copying System Shock (please be 1 and not 2 if they are doing 
so) and just have the graphics set to "full screen" mode.

We'll just have to see when (if) CoC: Dark Corners of the Earth comes out.

One thing I read that I was under-enthused about was that of a built in 
random scenario generator.    That indicates that the storyline is not 
going to be tightly controlled and it may end up like that monstrosity 
called Vampire:The Masquerade Redemption.  (Hey - I will give it that the 
graphics were pretty - the game sucked - but the graphics were pretty)

But I'm not opinionated or anything.  :)


Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/

Going the speed of light is bad for your age.