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[DL] A call for Online gamers(it's not wierd west, but close enough)

(I know that there's a whole seperate list for this particular game, but... 
sue me.)
    Howdy- this is Marse Uriah, and I'm plannin' on settin' up a Deadlands- 
Hell on Earth Play-by-email/post game. I'm trying to get things started up 
somewhere in early december('01). I'm looking for about 5-6 players with good 
characters. I'm going for a first come first serve thing with submissions, if 
there's a rush or something.(end intorduction.)

    (begin Background) The game itself happens in typical hell on earth 
cannon, in the high plains- maybe montana. (I'm going to 'hook in' characters 
in the most convenient & reckless way possible.) As per characters- make what 
you want to play. Standard rules apply, except for the following- 
-No Harrowed. Cyborgs are kosher, though. 
-For Mutations and Veteran of the Wasted West, you can draw for yourself. 
That's Right- you're on the honor system.
-Veteran of the Wierd West(I want a thorough backstory), Soldier, Rules of 
Engagement, Mysterious past, manitou strength, These are being drawn by yours 
-The following books and (mostly) everything within them are also fair play- 
core books, Denver, brainburners, CotA, Road Warriors, Last crusaders, 
Junkman Cometh, Cyborgs, Iron Oasis, Shattered Coast, waste warriors. (also, 
if you've got the mind to try and play a Veteran of the wierd west, I've got 
most of those books, too.)
-Certain other, more specific items may also come up- for example, the 
M-42/M-50 sniper rifles do not come with scopes, because those scopes just 
cost about the same as, if not two or three times more than those rifles. 
I'll take these little things as they come.

I'm not sure exactly how the game is going to take place- I reckon, though, 
that it's going to be done on Yahoo groups, and I'll get that set up as soon 
as possible. 
You can reach me at the e-mail address attached to this here 
letter.(madnes6841@aol.com) Write me- I just might get the letter.

Marse Uriah- happy gaming.