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Re: [DL] Fishing for ideas - Spoilers

> I thought it would be cute if every full moon his arm
> gets repossessed, or turns into a werewolf arm and
> attacks him.  Personally I'm presently leaning for ...
> next full moon his arm turns into a werewolf arm
> (which he controls), and then permanently remains as
> such.  It would take half damage except from silver,
> it wouldn't be able to hold silver, it would have
> claws, and it would probably be a die type stronger
> than the rest of him, but that's it.

Personally, I kinda like the idea of the character being posessed by his
own werewolf arm every full moon..they did something like this in "Scud:
the Disposable Assassin" wherein the arm of a werewolf was attatched to
Scud and kept posessing him every full moon / the personality of the
original owner...I imagine doing something like that w/ the arm turning
all hairy on nights of the full moon and posessing the character and/or
forcing said character finish a certain task or quest that the arm (or
the werewolf that bit him)needs/wants fulfilled..sorta like the old D&D
geas  spell...
