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[DL] Re: Wound Ballistics

Wound ballistics is a terrible complicated subject
that gets a lot of people very excited. I had a look
at it a while back when I was trying to model game
damage values but all I really know about it is:
a. I know very little about it.
b. Most people know even less (journalists etc.).
c. It is fiendishly difficult.

Diameter matters, but so does energy. The older
formulae, mostly empirical, like Hatcher's or Taylor's
seem to exaggerate the role of bullet diameter.
The nature of the bullet is also important the old
soft lead bullets were much nastier than a good modern
jacketed bullet.

There was a good examination of police shootings a
while back that definitly came out in favour of
diameter over area ie. the .45 is better than the
wonder nines but I wonder how much the user mattered.

Any gun is just as deadly as the man (or woman, or
thing) holding it.


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