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[DL] Shameless Plug (OT)

Hey everybody,
         It sure is great to be RIGHT HERE (pause) on the Deadlands 
Listserver! (Thumbs up, Cheap pop):-)

         Seriously, the good folks at Guild Hall Press just posted an 
original adventure for Scared Stiff: The B-Movie RPG written by Yours 
Truly, entitled Attack of the 50-Foot Girl Gang. As it says on their 
website (http://www.playbmovie.com/), they're pretty much posting it to 
guage interest in me and the format itself, so I'd be most grateful to 
anyone who could spare a little bandwith and download a copy.
         Did I mention it's 100% free of charge? And that the game itself 
is quite funny?

         So please, download early and download often--I can use the work!:-)

         Thanks to everybody in advance!

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Freelance Writer for the Deadlands: The Weird West RPG Line
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver
Southern by the Grace of God