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Re: [DL] Rules Tinkerin': Natural Healing

> Has anyone else tinkered with with the natural healing rules?
> Any thoughts on my proposed changes?  Am I completely out of my
> mind?

I've tinkered vaguely with the rules, though not to the extent you have. I was
just tired of seeing characters with low Vigor have to shlep around the Weird
West with four wound levels for a month or two at a time just because they
happened to roll poorly.

So, anyway, shameless plug time:


For those of you familiar with the Posse With No Name, this isn't their website.
It's the campaign I've been running for a little bit. Most of the write­ups
aren't posted yet.

"It is an odd thing Mr Ireton; that every man who wages war believes God to be
on his side. I'll warrant God must often wonder who is on His."
                              Oliver Cromwell: 1599-1658