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Re: [DL] unheroic heroes

--- Jeff Shoffner <shoffner@usit.net> wrote:
> I've got a quandry about my current group.  What do
> you do when the posse does something that is 
> not "good guy"?

well, having not read any responses to this line of
inquiry, my answer is: it depends
it depends on if you want a heroic campaign or if
you're willing to let your players play "shades of
gray" type characters

you obviously want them to be heroic, so rewarding
them for doing good deeds and punishing them for
killing villains is appropriate
adding hindrances doesn't really change how they're
going to play their characters, for the most part a
player will play the way they want to
i would say if you wanted to give them corruption
points (see Rascals Varmints & Critters: Book 2) it
probably wouldn't be out of line

in my game, i let the players define how they're going
to play, i try to reward people for following the
storyline or interacting with it in creative ways, and
i punish players for not paying attention or not
giving resistance to a new player
when it comes to morality, I leave it at the door


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