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Re: [DL] Error in ToT:1877?

In a message dated 7/17/2001 11:36:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
sittingduck_1313@yahoo.com writes:

<< In the section on Oklahoma, it states that the Great
 Serpent Mound is located there. This confused me as I
 thought that the Great Serpent Mound was located in
 Ohio. I checked the encyclopedia and it states that
 the Great Serpent Mound is located in Adams County,
 Ohio. Was this an error, or is there just another, not
 so well known Great Serpent Mound in Oklahoma? >>

    You've left out one choice, which happens to be the correct one:  I made 
up the one in Oklahoma. :)  Change the name to the Great Okie Serpent Mound 
if that helps eliminate the confusion.

Steve Long