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[DL] Corruption (spoilers)

Weird thought crossed my mind:









How do you handle PCs with multiple sources of
corruption?  Example:  Werewolf/Bloodmage

Do you add the points together or treat them
seperately?  If you add them together, which goal do
you consider?  In the above example I believe the
Bloodmage goal would be reached first.

I really like the corruption system, and think it
should have been included in the basic rules, but I
also think overall they need to be streamlined more
...   all Corruption sources should have the same end
goal to reach (that way adding them would be easier).

One solution:  Give corruption points as assigned per
source.  Add points together from multiple sources. 
When enough corruption points equal to spirit are
collected the victim gets a manitou with 1/2 domain
(similar to harrowed, with chipping ability etc). 
Have domain checks like normal.  Any additional
corruption points gained instead add to the manitous
domain.  When the manitou gets full domain, the
character becomes an NPC.  Not sure how to incorporate
the legend chips to remove corruption part into the
system once a manitou has been gained.

-Munch Wolf

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