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Re: [DL] Show Your Support! D&D movie

At least the D&D movie had a laugh factor.  I mean, it was one of the best
movie going experiences I've had in a long time.  I went with a posse of
gaming buddies and we killed ourselves laughing and making stupid comments.
Adimittedly some others didn't share our sense of humour.
    Cybergames was just plain PHB-ish.
          Daniel Gwyn
"But my dreams, they aren't as empty
as my conscience seems to be."
From "Behind Blue Eyes" by Pete Townshend
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Nick Zachariasen <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu>
� : deadlands@gamerz.net <deadlands@gamerz.net>
Date : June 16, 2001 2:32 PM
Objet : Re: [DL] Show Your Support!

>>          I stumbled across the 2001 HorriDjinns Awards and found the
>> category "Most Mind-Boggling Gut-Churning Example of Pure Stupidity of
>> Year".
>>          Lo and behold, a certain company chock full of @ss Clowns--and
>> familiar to all of us Deadlands fans--is nominated!
>>          What say we all click on over to
>> http://www.thebrightway.org/vote03.htm and give them the votes they so
>> richly deserve? ;-)
>Come on! They need more votes!  They're currently 50 votes behind the D&D
>movie.  Granted, even *I* was tempted to vote for the D&D movie (that was
>pretty damn bad), but I went with loyalty.  Once more unto the breach, dear
>friends, once more we'll close the wall up with our walking dead!
>Nick Zachariasen
>Editor Emeritus
>Trojan Times
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