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Re: [DL] Gencon
Mr. McGlothlin.
Methinks you misread the question. It read "when" is Gencon, and not "what" is
Otherwise, a most eloquently-delivered response. ;)
I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.
The Posse With No Name: http://pages.infinit.net/deadland/
>From: "Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed." <cmcgloth@halifax.com>
>To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>Subject: Re: [DL] Gencon
>Date: Thu, Jun 7, 2001, 22:04
> At 09:45 PM 6/7/2001 EDT, MikeEdwR@aol.com wrote:
>>I admit I have not been paying attention.
>>When exactly is Gencon?
> Crack for gaming addicts.:-)
> Seriously, it's the biggest gaming convention in the universe, held every
> August in lovely Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Every game company worthy of the
> name is there, selling their latest and hottest wares--a lot of them
> available for the first time anywhere.
> There are demos of games new and old, chances to meet their creators, as
> well as other "genre celebrities", such as Steve Long's good friend Jeri
> Ryan.;-)
> Plus, there are things that you only see at GenCon--like the time PEG had
> a live execution at their booth. (Hey, anything to move those splatbooks!:-) )
> Best of all for PEG fans, there's the annual PEG Listserver Dinner, where
> you can hang with all the too-cool-for-school folk who post on the various
> lists. This includes the PEG Creatives: Shane, Hopler, Goff, Hal Mangold,
> Steve Long, and yes, even me.
> Much as Muslim must go to Mecca, you owe yourself at least one pilgrimage
> to GenCon if you're a gamer.
> Deo Vindice,
> Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.
> Freelance Writer for the Deadlands: The Weird West and DC Universe RPG Lines
> Southern by the Grace of God
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