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[DL] the problems Manitou face (slight spoiler)

something occured to me awhile ago, an unpleasant
truth regarding Deadlands, something I quickly pushed
to the back of my brain because I didn't want to think
about the implications, and I decided not to discuss
it with others, but someone I was explaining Deadlands
to asked me about it yesterday so now I feel I should
address it:
the Manitou/Reckoners feed off fear and their power is
derived from fear, yet they do all these things that
kill people. when you kill someone then the fear that
they are generating stops, so why would the Reckoners
and by default the Manitou be trying to make the world
more deadly? 
wouldn't they want it to SEEM more deadly?
if your posse are inadvertantly raising the fear level
(as my group has done from time to time) wouldn't the
manitou want to keep them alive so that they can
generate more fear?
likewise, if a mad scientist creates a gadget that
actually helps the manitou, wouldn't it have NO
reliability check (until it no longer served the
manitous' purpose)?
I could keep asking questions ad infinitum, but I
think you get my point.
any thoughts?

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