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[DL] *sigh* I'm Back...:)

Well, I'm back.  After several months without a fix, and drumming
high-schoolers around in D&D3, my "experienced" group of
elderl...er...mature gamers has decended into Deadlands.

A gunslinger and two hucksters rode into Crossroads, KS, to make sure
"Johnny Rotten", the notorius Missouri raider, and his posse really was
dead, so the local sheriff could claim the bounty.  They found a bit more
than they bargained for; however, a lucky shot to the brainpan of poor ol'
Johnny ended the scenario fast; and I was outta chips too, damn it.

So, not only am I back on the list, but I now have an actual game to write
for, ask questions for, and use for playtesting...:)

Okay, so I used to lurk.  I think them days are over.

ICQ #12901136