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RE: [DL] Howdy and a question (MINOR SPOILERS)

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I have a question for the readership: how many of you play the "orthodox"
Deadlands campaign? In other words, do many of you stick to the
meta-plot and the advancing timeline, or do you create your own Weird
West and just slot in the bits from the product that fit your vision?

I tend to allow the big events to run far, far away from the characters.
Part of this has to do with my posse -- it's just after Independence Day,
1876 in my game world, thus much of the meta-plot hasn't happened yet.  That
being said, I am using a lot of the material to shape my version of the
Weird West.

To put it in terms of your own rather impressive upcoming addition to the DL
cannon (I, too, gave Cyberyouknowwho some cash before Shane rescued PEG from
the coming apocalypse), I would be willing to use "Rain o' Terror" almost
without change and have the posse determine for themselves the outcome of
the adventure.

That being said, I am more likely to create spin-offs from the main
storyline and have them confront my players.  Thus far, they have met one
Whatley, have crossed swords with one of Mina Devlin's witches (the HoE
rules were very useful there), gotten harassed and annoyed by the Agency,
had one character secretly (from the rest of the posse) provisionally
recruited by Hank Ketchum, had the MS sell the blueprints for his lightning
gun to Smith and Robartes.  They don't know it yet, but many of the
Railroads are trying to figure out what they are carrying (The pianola roll
is a template for a machine designed to help S&R mass produce parts for some
of their products.).

I guess the best answer is that I want to use most of the material as source
material rather than hard and fast rules.  I loved BE:TS but found BE:TN
lacking.  As a result, the Confederacy looks pretty much as described while
the Union is a very different place than in the sourcebook.

Hope this helps.
