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[DL] Re: [HOE] Idea i had. want your opinion on it.
<snip about angels, bad guys, God, and the opposer, etc, and all the ideas>
>>>Theoretical SPOILER... blanket your eyes<<<
Here is my take on it all...
The Reckoners ARE NOT necessarily the bad guys straight out of the bible and
revelations... and I include in this list the infamous bad guy, ol' Scratch
himself (aka Satan).
They are more of a neutral set of otherworldly bad-guys, who used the
information in the world to choose their form... Christianity sprung up about
2000 years ago (no religious debates please, I'm going to the beginning of
the Christian rise in belief, not back to the beginning of creation) and
became the fastest and widest spread religion in the History of the world
(with the same Dogma). This in and of itself is the basis for Much
Fear-factor, as it's still, to this day, in our world something of a Mystery,
and spreads unpredictably.
Taking on this, these Reckoner type bad guys used that basis for fear growth,
while a few things helped to strengthen it all: The prophecies already
currently in place, The superstitious nature of the people as a whole, the
fact that people all over the world already were familiar with Christian
belief, and that Christianity is the most popular (to the point of
witch-burning) religion in America in the time before 1900.
My take on the reckoners is that there are not the end-all extreme top of the
mill bad guy... and that there are more powers at work here than mentioned...
at all. Satan (or whoever made himself to be Satan) may well be the form of
one of the big bad guys, and may very well have had access to the world the
entire time the Reckoners were locked up... As did his Counterpart or parts
on the good side, but their minions were locked away, therefore their power
over the world and their power of influence was limited to the natural and
faith based abilities of the regular world folks.
Now putting all this together, and to put it back ON-TOPIC in Weird West
style (in Christain view)...
God was pondering the creation of man, what he would do with them, what their
purpose would be, and how he would make it all happen.
Tuesday comes along and He and Satan come down to the garden of Eden for
their weekly poker night.
Figuring that man will have the potential for both good and evil within him,
like all of the creatures in nature, he brings the idea up to Satan for his
***background info*** the Devil always wins at the poker games, as he cares
little about the rules and cheats perfectly... while God, being perfect,
always gets a Royal Flush... but hey, not even a Royal Flush beats 5 Natural
Aces, with no wild cards... ***ok now back to your regularly scheduled
Well, in their tradition of gambling, they decide to Make a Bet to end all
bets... Winner takes all... and I DO mean all... everything, the throne, the
world, the universe, the people, ultimate final outcome of good vs. evil.
People would have: free will to make all their own choices; all the tools
necessary to figure out about Good and Evil, as well as God and Satan; and
the intelligence to make their own choice as to who they would give their
Souls to.
Time passed, people grew, and as Satan does in all their poker games, bets,
games of any type of chance, and any agreement he's ever made with God.... He
The Reckoners were formed, and begin turning the world in the favor of the
very first Hell's Angel.
God, was at a loss... As he was perfect, he was also very powerless against
this cheat. Normally, his perfection would still give him the upper hand,
but Man was not made to be perfect, and had free will, so the world was
turning in favor of his Damned Enemy.
Man figured out enough to put the chains on the Devil's Brigade of bad guys
in the original locking up of the Reckoners, and God used this as his chance
to catch up in the game... Finding a loophole, he would not cheat, but he
would give some of himself to the world to allow them to learn both sides of
what they were up against, and sent Jesus down to teach the people, and put
the cards back to even.
Raven and his murder of crows comes along and breaks the bad guys out of
Jail, and Satan starts his cheating up again... God responds by answering
prayers and blessing those that do work in his favor (as this is an accepted
response, and not cheating)... and it's up to Mankind to get it's Own butt
out of the fryin' pan.
hmm, ok, well just a random thought or 50.