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RE: [DL] Nimbleness and pace
You can use supernatural trait on a die type less than twelve -- going from
d8 to d10 is more expensive in bounty the normal way (30 pts) than it is to
get 1 level of the harrowed power (10pts). But since you can only have 5
levels in a harrowed power, you lower your possible score by starting
supernatural on less than d12. I don't think anyone has brought up whether
or not you can spend normal bounty on a trait to boost the non-supernatural
side, after already having the super-boost (with intent of having the new
normal die type boosted supernaturally and the overall total increased). I
don't remember this in the rules, and would probably disallow it in my
I read the rules as each trait you add supernatural-ness to is a separate
power, and costs 10 points. I think we agree there.
Jeff Y.
Marshal for the Dynamite Gang
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
> Behalf Of Ashman, Joel
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 10:41 AM
> To: 'deadlands@gamerz.net'
> Subject: RE: [DL] Nimbleness and pace
> I think you'd have to pay for the D12 upgrade... The Supernatural Boost
> would then be added after the Natural Trait, for the D12+2.
> At least that is the way I'm gonna work it for my Harrowed. He
> already has
> a SN Trait: Spirit, and wants to add SN Trait: Mein. He's a Harrowed
> Blessed Catholic Priest (6D12+4 Faith) who looks like Harvey
> Keitel. (He's
> got Issues!)
> It is cheaper for him to go from D8 to D10 via SN Trait, than
> through normal
> methods, even if he has to spend 10 points to pick up a new Harrowed power
> at level 1. How would that work? Is each new SN Trait considered a new
> power for purchasing? (10 bounty points) or is it considered an existing
> power? I'm inclined to think that it is a new power, and costs 10 points
> --Joel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: J Tolle [mailto:jwtolle@altavista.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 10:27 AM
> To: deadlands@gamerz.net
> Subject: Re: [DL] Nimbleness and pace
> On Wed, 21 February 2001, toadpooka@juno.com wrote:
> >
> >Only a boost of some sort can raise your traits >above d12...you
> can't buy
> them with experience, no >matter who you are..
> So lets say you do have a supernatural boost to your stats - say
> from a d10
> to a d12. Why could you not later buy that to a d12 + 2 - You
> already have
> the supernatural umph in the trait.
> Jeff
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