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Re: [DL] Bigger dice or more of them?
--- Tifainé <pusifoot@pacbell.net> wrote:
> This is a discussion that our group has pretty often
> actually, and the
> general consensus is that it is better to have
> higher die-types (and fewer
> of them) than more of lower types.
Like last week when Adam rolled some OBSCENE number on
d4's. You're right, the lower the die type, the
higher the chance of going bust and acing both.
Another thing to keep in mind, at least for DeadLands,
is that higher die types do more damage when standing
up against old-system armor. Statistically 5d8 and
4d10 have about the same damage output, but the
Bullard's going to go through a steam wagon better
than a Springfield.
Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen
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