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Re: [DL] Dreams
--- Brad and Lanica Klein <lanicak@att.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm starting a brand spank'n new campaign and have decided that since
> there are so many ways for characters to ask for visions, send
> nightmares, get omens and what not I'd start giving out dreams at
> random
> intervals so that when the ones I want to insert into the game come
> up
> the players don't jump to the conclusion "Oh, she typed this one out
> so
> it must be important." My problem is that I don't want to
> accidentally
> give any info away from my campaign notes.
> I'd like to see what sort of dreams the list can come up with so the
> character dreams don't all have my writing style. I'll collect these
> and send the complete works to anyone who sends one. I think this
> could
> be useful to all of us.
Mokay, here's one from the Mage game I play online...
Images of Hell itself. A realm of fire and tortured screams. Although
the pain is only in their mind its seems incredible. Voices wail in
torment, scenes of violence and torture flash past them as well as
cries of ecstacy and tittering laughter. Images pass: A gaunt man in
steel armor stained red with blood holding a small knife and slowly
peeling pieces of flesh from a body. He feeds each piece to a twisted
creature that resembles a mockery of what could be described as a dog.
He laughs as the "dog" greedily devours each bit of flesh, then muscle
and organ. The victim of the torment never stops screaming through it
all, and when he stands nothing but a skeleton chained to a post his
body grows anew to a perfect specimen of health. The man in the armor
begins the task once more with a greedy smile. A woman, young and
beautiful if not a bit boyish in figure stands before and altar.
Tied to it with ropes of entrails is another young woman. She is being
whipped with barbed and glowing wire while her skin is branded with
arcane symbols. Mixed cries of pleasure and pain come from her. Another
image of hundreds of people on a rack of indeterminable length. They
have been stretched beyond the limits of any human. Their skin has torn
at the joints of the wrist and ankle and is curled back like wallpaper
that has seen years of neglect. Their bones have been pulled until they
are visible through the rips in skin. Eyes wide and staring look at the
dreamer, they are full of tears and awareness. These tortured souls are
all conscious and screaming, the screaming does not stop. It is the
sounds of hell, a scream unending.
It's from Ryan Stickel, the head Mage ST from the white-wolf website's
Java Chats. It's sorta spooky...
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- References:
- [DL] Dreams
- From: Brad and Lanica Klein <lanicak@att.net>