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RE: [DL] Weight of firearms
I don't have any stats on the actual weapons you asked about, but I can give
you some guidelines based on modern firearms:
The average current revolver weights about 3-4 lbs, empty. 5 Lbs would be a
good weight for loaded Peacemakers, since the metals used back then were
Gatling pistols should probably weight no less than 8 lbs loaded. A Desert
Eagle .44 Magnum Semi-Auto weight 5 lbs empty, but add 6-7 rounds of .44
Mag, and you are now talking about 6-7 lbs.
DB Shotguns weight 6-7 lbs. Also, Shotguns are long, with barrel lengths of
upto 30", making the weapon 3-4' long.
Sawed-Off Shotguns would be about 4-5 lbs.
Rifles can vary with small calibers being 5 lbs, and the BIG ones (Sharps
or muzzle loaders) being close 12-15 lbs. The Browning Automatic Rifle fow
WWI was 17 Lbs loaded. My current Winchester Lever Action is light, in the
6 lbs range, but older models had longer barrels, and were heavier, probably
closer to 7-8 Lbs. This would be a good generic weight for the average
Also, keep in mind that its the Ammo that can really add to the weight of
the weapon. Remember, they use lead for bullets. A box of 50 rounds weight
as much, if not more than the handgun. Shotgun shells are even more.
Your posse member below is probably very overloaded when you add up the
Ammo, and the all the leather gear to carry them.
To Recap....
Tiny Handguns - 2 lbs
Small Handguns - 3 lbs
Large Handguns - 5 lbs
Small Longguns - 5 lbs
Medium Longuns - 8 lbs
Large Longguns - 10 lbs
SB Shotguns - 6 lbs
DB Shotguns - 7 lbs
SO Shotguns - 5 lbs
LA Shotguns - 8 lbs
Gatling Pistol - 8 lbs (or more)
-----Original Message-----
From: Ole Ingvar Stene [mailto:oleingva@ifi.ntnu.no]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 11:02 AM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] Weight of firearms
When we are on the subject of firearms and Lawdogs, something that I miss in
that book is weight. A member of my posse carry around and INSANE number of
guns, so I wanted to figure out the total and smack him the load rules.
Problem is, I have no idea whatsoever what guns weigh.
What I in particular want to know is:
-Peacemakers (x4, if you wondered)
-Gatling Pistols (I guess a pound or two more than a regular sixgun)
-Doublebarreled shotguns (x2)
-Scatterguns (x2, pretty mangeled (sawn-off both barrel and stock, so I
guess a pound or two less than normal)
Leveraction Shotgun and Whinschester Rifle also of interest, he sometimes
carry around those as well.
Also, what do you think are good effects for the mangeled scattergun? I've
so far said -4 to hit, -2 to concealment and possible to quickdraw, ya think
that sound good?
Marshal Ole I. Stene
oleingva@ifi.ntnu - ICQ #67957926
-Mors Principium Est-
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