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Re: [DL] Gear lists
>>Hey guys, I'm revising our posse's gear list and I was
>>wondering if a fuller list was ever officially
>>published, or if people have lists they've created
>>that they're willing to share. It can sure be funny
>>to look at a gear list and wonder "how did that get
>>there?" I mean, apple pies and leg restraints?
>>Anyway, with Marshall's permission of course, I'm
>>willing to share ours if there are interested parties.
>Also if anyone is willing to share there junk tables, I'm looking for some
>both Weird West and Wasted West.
This is a good occasion for a shameless plug.
Well, have a look on my site, there's a lot of stuff on the General Store
section. In fact, even if most come from Deadlands books, some come from
over sources, and some from my guesses based on equivallent item prices. The
site recently moved to :
Any ideas of items to add are welcome, and I am ready to merge my list with
other people lists.
Vincent Vandemeulebrouck
The French tinhorn with a Great name
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