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[DL] Crossovers and ramblings
On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 03:13:27AM -0800, Magician said:
> As you know in BNW all of the alphas has poofed of the planet has any
> thought that a alpha might land in the Deadlands world,
Hmm, I don't know what this means, but it does remind me of an amusing
thought I had last session. A creature from D&D or some other similar
universe which is all-powerful and nigh-invulnerable, with only one tiny
weakness - it can be hurt by lead. It has been forced into a centuries-long
magical slumber during a desperate battle with an entire army which only
barely managed to defeat it using magic, so when a rift torn in the space\time
continuum and it is yoinked from its dimension to land in a new one where
it's not imprisoned by any such magic, it's delighted, hungry, and very, very
pissed off. It licks its massive, spiky-teeth-filled mouth and gets ready
for some rampagin', safe in the knowledge that it's not going to run into an
army with strong magical support.
But it finds itself in the Weird West, runs into a Deadlands posse, and they
blow it away with their six-shooters without batting an eyelid and continue
about their business.
Anyway, I'm going to start rambling now, so if you don't want spoilers for
The Mission, the scenario from the back of Fire & Brimstone, read ye not.
We had a really good session last Sunday, where all but one of the posse
got their chance to shine. When Bouchard and his boys happened by, the
posse got paranoid and set up with two snipers, the ex-cavalry soldier
ready to charge round a building and get saberin', and sent the kung fu
guy to open the gates, which he happily did, and happily let them in when
they asked to be let in. The snipers feel guilty and come out to say hello,
and have guns turned on them. The cavalryman, now dismounted from his horse,
punches the nearest bandito and grabs him for use as a human shield. A
close-range fight ensues, with no cover (except for the cavalryman, whose
cover took four bullets for him). The kung fu guy did lots of great kung fu,
(flying kick to the head of a guy on a horse, for four wounds!) and when the
huckster snapped out of his surprise, he cast a mighty Phantom Fingers on
Bouchard, lifting him high into the air and scaring the proverbial poo out
of him (literally - botched his defaulted Guts check).
So, they tie the prisoners up and sit them around the well, so that if
anybody moves, they all fall in (the huckster had previously Phantom
Fingersed himself down there and found it to be full of rotting corpses.
They leave them there all day and get back to their business. That evening,
the cavalry guy has a twinge of niceness and tells Bouchard he's going to
let him go, and asks Bouchard what he's going to do if he's let free.
Bouchard says he'll be on his way, but Dave (time to bring names into it, I
think) rolls a good Scrutinise check and sees that he's lying. He says he
doesn't like the way Bouchard was looking at him there, and Bouchard
apologises, and Dave gets another good Scrutinise roll, and sees another
lie. So he kicks Bouchard down the well. And rolls badly on his Smarts
check, and the rest of the gang take the plunge as well. The huckster
comes out of where he's working and sees what's happened, and a few groans
of agony from down the well get them wondering what to do. Some good
roleplaying here as the two guys tried to decide what course of action to
take - they can't practically try to get them out, and whilst killing them
is nasty, even though they were trying to kill them earlier, it's better than
leaving them to starve down there, chewing on the corpses and each other.
So they drop in a bundle of three sticks of dynamite, and gore fills the air
as it spouts up from the well.
The priceless part, though, was Dave explaining what had happened. "I asked
him what he'd do if I let him go, and he said that he has a big gang and
that he'd come back here with them and kill us all in retaliation for what
we did to him!" "He said that?" "Well, not in so many words, but he
looked at me in such a way so as to imply it." "So you kicked him down the
well for looking at you funny?" "Only after he did it again!"
Anyway, that night brought on the walkin' dead bandit, who, it turned out,
was the human shield from the fight because everybody else was tied together
and nobody had gotten into a building during the fight. Kung Lao (kung fu
guy) had been having the nightmares because he's the only one with any
Faith at all, and when the zombie jumped out he fainted away due to a fitting
result on the Scart Table (I love it when that kind of thing happens). Dave
was surprised and had the Heebie Jeebies, and Caleb the tracker guy from the
swamps just ran away. Frank, the huckster, kept his wits about him and
shot it good in the guts with his Winchester. Then he shot it in the leg.
Then he shot it in the gizzards, totalling nine wounds to the guts area at
this stage (Dave having gotten into hand-to-hand with it earlier - hey, I
got to use my gun-fu rules, and they were groovy), so it kind of fell apart
at the abdomen. So its torso started crawling along the floor, and Frank's
called rifle shot to the head missed, and Dave standing on it and fanning
all six rounds into its head missed and almost hit Frank (due to wound,
Scart and fannin' negatives - Frank had to Dodge). So Dave just jumped on
it, kicked it, threw his empty gun at it, and jumped on it some more til
it stopped moving. When Caleb returned, and when Kung Lao woke up, they
found the legs on one side of the room with blood splashes on the wall behind
them, a trail of intestines and gore stretched across the floor connecting
the legs to a vaguely oblong pile of goo with spiky bits in it.
Best zombie fight I have ever spied, in a game, movie or book.
Should be finishing up the scenario on Saturday, and then they can head
back to Tombstone and get taken in by a Texas Ranger who's wondering where
that Texas Ranger they used to hang out with is gone...
| This is pointless and will only promote in-jokes and cliquism.|
Sillicon: 6th, 7th and 8th of April 2001.