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RE: [DL] No Good Cons In LA [Slightly OT]
Just be damned happy you live in the US! At least gamers there are not as
rare as in Australia!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jesse Burneko [SMTP:jburneko@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 10:44 AM
> To: Deadlands Mailing List
> Subject: [DL] No Good Cons In LA [Slightly OT]
> I don't get it. Why are there not good Cons in Los
> Angeles? There's OrcCon and Gateway but they don't
> seem to have the feel that other cons have. I look at
> other cons and I see Cyberpunk events and Call of
> Cthulhu events and Brave New World events and all this
> other stuff. All the cons here just seem to have D&D
> and if you're lucky 7th Sea and L5R. The rest of the
> con is just CCGs and Miniture games.
> For that matter why is it so hard to find gamers in
> LA? (Sigh). Do you know I've never played with
> gamers who were gamers BEFORE I met them? I'm like an
> RPG leader. I convert the masses where ever I go.
> Oh well
> Jesse
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